Recently I had a drinking dream, they always take me by surprise because I think I am done with them, and then I wake up all distraught, with the dream very clear in my mind. For those of you who don't know what a drinking dream is......It is after getting sober, you have dreams in which, you are still drinking. The last two of these dreams I had I was searching for the best The "top shelf" what I was drinking was not enough for me, I needed more, and I was aware that I could not get enough, enough buzz from the lower shelf and even when I found the top, the higher proof, I could not get enough of that either. the most current of the two was the same, I could not get enough and I was aware of that, and frightened of it. I was so afraid of what I was doing, so guilty and so ashamed. Mostly in these dreams, I am saying to myself when did I start this again? How long have I been drinking, I am never aware of when it started, I am just in the middle of that mess again, always wanting, needing more and there is just never enough. After I awake and realize it was just a dream, I become aware that it was not just a dream, It was more like a reality that serves to remind me how truly powerless over alcohol that I am,How frightened I was to wake up when I was drinking,How blessed I am to wake up today sober.There are always more than one way to look at things,and I think sometimes the adversary can't get me to give in to the temptation to drink when I am awake, and tries to get into my subconscious while I am asleep. He does shake me up quite a bit on awakening, but I just look to my God and thank him for another day sober.
GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
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