Friday, May 30, 2014

 if we want to make our best work, we must believe that what we have to say matters. We must believe wholeheartedly in our own vision of the world.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

If your life is like a tragedy it is because you have been neglecting something — most likely yourself. All those happy people you see, they know something you don't know. They know about a balanced type of relationship where they are selfish for the sake of others. You have to learn how to take care of yourself. Who you need, is you. It was always about and for you. You're the one you've been looking for; you complete you. If you have never found yourself, the best place to look is in your loneliness, and rock-bottom is even better. Quit looking "out there" for that magical "something" or "someone" to come and rescue you from your tragic loneliness~Bryant McGill

Thursday, May 15, 2014

How can I own my power to take care of myself, despite what the other person is or isn't doing?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Practice of Trust

We place this day in the hands of Trust. Trust that things will turn out exactly as they are suppose to. We set aside everything we’ve been programmed to think we want, and with wholly open minds accept with gratitude everything we will receive. Today we set aside the judgment of our brothers or sisters; trusting that they will complete their journey in the best way they know how. Today we suspend our incessant relationship with time, do the best we can, and trust that we will arrive at His/Her’s exact appointed hour. Today we trust that everything that occurs to us is a gift, assisting us in one way or another, to reach a higher level of consciousness. If we experience stress, we trust that it is occurring in order to help us learn how to deal with such a situation in a less stressful manner. Today we will remember that when we place our day in the hands of Trust, everything, regardless of how much we have been taught otherwise, will go our way. 

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book "You Have Chosen to Remember"